Tips från @girlsdeals på Twitter

#girlstips Being yourself is the perfect way to make someone fall in love with you

#girlstips Act like a butterfly: Pretty to see, but hard to catch!

#girlstips Say I love you with meaning, because if used in a wrong way; someone will end up getting hurt!

#girlstips Saying "I love you" shouldn’t be an everyday word, and also shouldn’t be said just because you’re expected to say it.

#girlstips If you think he don't love you anymore, go ask him, you might be wrong

#girlstips Showing your love to someone is okay. Let it flow in a right way. Don’t expect, just make them feel loved by you

#girlstips Never use your eyes to cry for the person who fooled you. Instead use it to search for the right one


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